Open Wed-Sat, noon-5pm. Now showing: 'ALLIANCE' Group Show and Christy Grossmann Solo Show.
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        Adam Augustyn "Hero's Journey"

        Adam Augustyn "Hero's Journey"

        Vertical Gallery is proud to present “Hero’s Journey” the solo exhibit from Chicago-based painter, Adam Augustyn.

        “Hero’s Journey,” which runs September 6-28 and opens with a reception on September 6th from 5-8 pm, follows a series of morphing characters as they travel into the unknown, strung with tokens and saddled with belongings from their past phases as they move toward new realms. The series also represents the artist’s personal reflection of his own venture back into painting and the adventure that is parenting three ever-changing girls.

        “My work typically obsesses over darker themes reflecting current events rendered bright and cartoonish–it’s my form of sense-making when I’m mad at the world. But for this show, I wanted to focus more on the personal–on the strength of individuals who knowingly embark on adventure and have the wherewithal to appreciate the journey while the journey is in motion, simultaneously celebrating life, and taking joy in overcoming obstacles.”

        Augustyn fostered a love of art from a young age and across many forms, spanning film, special effects, games, and sculpture. His career has focused on creating art and animation and providing art direction for video games. This is his second solo show with the gallery, following “The Sky Is Falling” in 2022. He has participated in numerous group shows, showing work in Philadelphia, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Chicago.

        Adam Augustyn
        “Hero’s Journey”
        September 6 – 28, 2024
        Opening night, Friday September 6th, 5:00-8:00pm
        Vertical Gallery, 2006 W Chicago Ave. #1R, Chicago

        Summer Group Show

        Summer Group Show

        Vertical Gallery is very excited to announce our Summer Group Show featuring 50+ artists, each contributing two 11x14 in. (30x40cm) works! 20 of the artists we are showing for the first time; along with some familiar names; and some artists you haven't seen at the gallery for many years. This is a super star show! 

        Join us August 2 - 24, 2024, with an opening reception Friday August 2nd, 5:00-8:00pm.

        Featuring: Adam Lister (US), AJ Ainscough (US), Akut (DE), Andie Taylor (AU), Angel Onofre (US), Ben Peeters (BE), Bianca Pastel (US), Bird Milk (US), Brad Novak (NZ), Brochevski (US), Candice Tripp (UK), Carlos Fdez (ES), Casey Gray (US), Chris Cunningham (UK), Copyright (UK), Daniel Sueiras Fanjul (ES), Dovie Golden (US), Flog (FR), Grant William Thye (US), Greg Gossel (US), Jaime Sancorlo (ES), Jake and Josh (US), Jérôme Masi (FR), Jerome Tiunayan (US), JJ Zamoranos (PH), Jordan Ferguson (US), Joseph Renda Jr. (US), Justin Hein (US), Kazland (UK), Laura Catherwood (US), Lefty Out There (US), Lie (US), Liz Flores (US), Louis (Masai) Michel (UK), Marcelo Suaznabar (BO), Martin Whatson (NO), Matthew Shutt (UK), Mighty Monkey (UK), Mila Useche (CO), Muretz (BR), My Dog Sighs (UK), Nate Otto (US), OakOak (FR), Pizza in the Rain (US), Ramiro Huizar (US), Ruby Roth (US), Sandra Rojo Picón (ES), Sergio Farfán (US), Shamsia Hassani (AF), Shishidomia (JP), Steve Seeley (US), Super A (NL), Yiğit Can Alper (TR).


        Email us at to be added to the collector's preview list.

        Collin van der Sluijs 'Observer'

        Collin van der Sluijs 'Observer'

        Vertical Gallery, Collin van der Sluijs turn their gaze to ‘Observer’

        Vertical Gallery, Chicago’s premier urban-contemporary art gallery, is very proud to present ‘Observer,’ a solo exhibit featuring Netherlands-based painter and muralist Collin van der Sluijs.

        ‘Observer’ — van der Sluijs’ fifth solo showcase at Vertical (2006 W. Chicago Ave #1R; enter via the alley off Damen) — brings together seven large-scale canvases and about a dozen smaller works on paper, propelling the category-defying artist’s dreamlike, deeply personal approach into new dimensions of visual and thematic complexity. ‘Observer’ runs July 5-27; van der Sluijs will attend the show’s opening reception, taking place at Vertical on Friday, July 5 from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. 

        “‘Observer’ is how I see myself. If I’m in a city, I see walls to paint. When I’m in the countryside, I want to do watercolors. And when I’m in the studio, I want to take my time with paintings,” van der Sluijs says. “This show is about adapting to different situations and exploring different mediums —  challenging yourself, making mistakes in the process, and refusing to walk the easy road.”

        Vertical owner and curator Patrick Hull first encountered van der Sluijs’ work in 2013 while traveling across Europe, and soon invited him to participate in the gallery’s one-year anniversary show in April 2014. “Collin is a member of the Vertical family, and we are thrilled to have him return to the gallery for his fifth solo show,” Hull says. “Chicago has become his second home. He’s visited eight times for solo shows, group shows and wall projects, and many of his murals are still viewable in the city. Come explore what he has created for this show.”

        Van der Sluijs began writing graffiti at the age of 11, and spent the following decade studying a range of creative disciplines before earning a Master’s degree in fine art in 2004 from the St. Joost Academy of Art and Design. Van der Sluijs has since exhibited in galleries across Europe and the U.S., and painted murals in locations including Amsterdam and Maastricht in The Netherlands; The Hague and Leuven in Brussels; Berlin, Germany; and the most recent in Laon, France.

        Collin van der Sluijs
        July 5 - 27, 2024
        Opening reception: Friday July 5th, 5:00-8:00pm
        Vertical Gallery, 2006 W Chicago Ave #1R

        “Back Home Again (in Indiana)” Group Show

        “Back Home Again (in Indiana)” Group Show

        “Back Home Again (in Indiana)” Group Show

        From Shelley Bloch, Owner of The Wall Muse:

        “After leaving Indiana in 2012 with no intentions of returning, life’s unexpected twists brought me back home amidst the pandemic. It’s been a journey of rediscovery and reconnection, especially with the vibrant art scene here.

        I’m beyond excited to announce a partnership between myself (@thewallmuse) and one of my all-time favorite galleries, Vertical Gallery (@verticalgallery) from Chicago, for an upcoming exhibition titled “Back Home Again (in Indiana).” This show is a celebration of talent and creativity, featuring an incredible lineup of artists both from the Midwest and around the globe.

        Exhibition: “Back Home Again (in Indiana)” Presented by Vertical Gallery and The Wall Muse
        Venue: Republic, 2301 E 10th St., Indianapolis, IN 46201
        Dates: June 21 - July 13
        Opening Reception: June 21, 6:00-9:00pm

        It’s an honor to showcase these artists and bring this exhibition to life in Indiana. Whether you’re a local or visiting, we can’t wait to welcome you to this special exhibition. Let’s rediscover the beauty and depth of art together!”

        Featuring (in alphabetical order by first name):

        Aaron Craig, Alejandra Carrillo, Amai Rawls, Jr. (Brochevski), Asia Piasny, Danny J Martinez (Van Dam One), Ha Haengeun, Jason Rowland (r6d4), Joseph Renda Jr., Justin Cooper, Laura Catherwood, Lie, Liz Flores, Lucy Layne, Madiha Siraj, Mailinh Ho, My Dog Sighs, Natalia Rak, OakOak, Oscar Joyo, Oscar Toloza, Pipsqueak Was Here!!!, Pure Evil, Sergio Farfan, Sentrock, Steve Seeley, Suyao Tian, Tom Day, and Xenz.

        Please contact to be added to the digital collector's preview.

        Laura Catherwood 'All Things Stirring'

        Laura Catherwood 'All Things Stirring'

        Vertical Gallery, Laura Catherwood follow the trail of ‘All Things Stirring’

        Vertical Gallery is very proud to present 'All Things Stirring,' the latest solo exhibition from Chicago-based painter and illustrator Laura Catherwood.

        ‘All Things Stirring,’ which runs June 7-29 at 2006 W. Chicago Ave. #1R, transports viewers into the heart of the fractured-folklore realm mapped out via Catherwood’s previous Vertical Gallery outings ‘The Book of Yielding’ (2022) and ‘Hearsay’ (2023). Its roughly two-dozen oil paintings and pencil drawings offer an immersive walking tour through an alternate reality where flora, fauna and fantasy collide in unexpected and uncanny ways.

        “I want to soothe people through my art, and when I’m feeling distressed in my own life, I take walks. Walking in nature gets you closest to remembering that you’re just one small part of an interconnected world, and that eventually you will be re-absorbed into it. For me, nature is a refuge, and I want ‘All Things Stirring’ to put you there,” Catherwood explains. “‘Book of Yielding’ felt like a book. Those paintings and drawings were meant to resemble nature history diagrams and vintage nature illustrations. These new paintings and illustrations are slightly larger than lifesize, and offer a different perspective, like you’re navigating through tall grass and branches.” 

        ‘All Things Stirring’ gathers inspiration from Taoism, which emphasizes living in harmony with the Tao, the natural way of the universe. “Taoism is another kind of walk. It translates to ‘the way’ — it’s the route, or the trail,” Catherwood notes. “Taoism is about impermanence and letting go. It was a big inspiration for titling the pieces in the show. The title ‘All Things Stirring’ itself comes from the Tao Te Ching: ‘While all things are stirring together, I only contemplate the return. For flourishing as they do, each of them return to its root.’ The point is that you’re here right now. You’re on the walk. All the things stirring is the experience of life, and you have to enjoy it.”

        Catherwood abandoned a career in neuroscience research to pursue a life in art, and after completing her studies at the School of Representational Art and Atelier Eftimov, in 2016 she began exhibiting her work in group shows, producing her first solo exhibition ‘Jalan Jalan’ two years later. In addition to her Vertical solo exhibits, Catherwood has contributed to many of the gallery’s group shows. She has also had a solo showcase in Portland, and shown in exhibitions in Miami, Philadelphia, Portsmouth and New Zealand.

        Laura Catherwood
        'All Things Stirring'
        June 7 - 29, 2024
        Opening reception: Friday, June 7th, 5:00-8:00pm
        Vertical Gallery, 2006 W Chicago Ave #1R