Open Wed-Sat, noon-5pm. Now showing: 'ALLIANCE' Group Show and Christy Grossmann Solo Show.
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        News — STATIC

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        STATIC featured in "2 for 2" two-year anniversary show

        Leading up to our big 2-year anniversary show, we're going to share bios on each of the participating artists with a preview of one of their works for the show.

        Today we feature STATIC: STATIC is the creative output of London-based image makers Tom Jackson and Craig Evans who have been producing limited editions and original works in house and by hand since 2006. Their work is known for its blend of graphic and patterned imagery created through a combination of screen printing and mixed media techniques. STATIC’s work is constructed from found visual imagery as well as symbols and signifiers from modern culture which they continue to apply to a wide range of surfaces, including wood, metal, perspex and glass.

        Since 2010, STATIC have been producing layered glass works which have been exhibited in the UK, Japan, Singapore, Italy, the US, India and Russia. In 2013 a selection of pieces from their ‘Phantasms of the Living’ show was added to the private art collection of the Saudi Arabian Royal Family and in 2014 they were commissioned by Activision to create a unique Camo pattern for the release of the new Call Of Duty AW game launch.

        Follow STATIC on Instagram: WELIKESTATIC