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        Ben Frost discusses PAPER JAM in video #2 of 3

        Vertical Gallery's one-year anniversary show, PAPER JAM, is curated by artist Ben Frost. Listen to Ben talk about the exhibition and discuss a few of the artists. All 17 artists will be featured over three videos. In this video: Dale Keogh, Mysterious Al, Taylor White, Ben Frost, Denial, and Denialex.

        Taylor White (US)
        Taylor White is an active producer of fine pictorial convention. With a background in illustration, her work can be found in print, in urban gallery spaces, on city streets, and in public and private collections. Taylor is currently based in Raleigh, North Carolina.

        Mysterious Al (UK)
        Mysterious Al is a London based artist, illustrator and designer who creates iconic gothic / pop imagery. Initially drawing inspiration from illustration icons such as Jamie Hewlett, James Jarvis and Pete Fowler, as well as his graffiti and art-school peers, Mysterious Al's characters are monsters, mutants and subhumans... Creatures that inhabit a dark yet playful universe parallel to our own. In 2001, alongside friend and contemporary D*Face, Mysterious Al co-founded the now world-renowed 'Finders Keepers Crew'; a collective of young outsider artists using stickers, wheat-paste and found objects to create illegal street installations. The Finders Keepers crew gained international notoriety and found themselves at the forefront of a new art movement: 'Street-art'. Their widely attended yet illegal pop-up exhibitions formed an often replicated template for promoting the biggest art trend in a decade whilst the roster of artists associated with Finders Keepers went on to become some of the biggest names in this new movement.

        Dale Keogh (AUS)
        Dale Keogh creates colorful, slightly gruesome and twisted illustrations using color pencil on black backgrounds. With a deft eye for contrast and texture, his guy combines hyper-realism with surrealism like no other.

        Denial (CANADA)
        Daniel Bombardier is a Canadian graffiti and mixed-media artist. His moniker 'Denial', by definition, pokes fun at modern advertising, politics, and media messages that society is often “in denial” about. He is known for his prolific guerrilla-marketing campaign, which takes public aim at ideas involving social-justice, pop-culture, mass-media, and “New World Order” conspiracy theories.

        Ben Frost (AUS)
        Australian artist Ben Frost is known for his kaleidoscopic Pop Art, mash-up paintings that take inspiration from areas as diverse as graffiti, collage, photorealism and sign-writing. By subverting mainstream iconography from the worlds of advertising, entertainment and politics, he creates a visual framework that is bold, confronting and often controversial. He has been exhibiting throughout Australia and internationally over the last 12 years, including solo shows in London, New York, Toronto, Singapore and San Francisco, as well as group shows in Beijing, Mongolia, Amsterdam, and Berlin.