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        beetlebob "fear is my monster, fear is my friend"

        Vertical Gallery is pleased to present "fear is my monster, fear is my friend", a special solo show from beetlebob in our front show room. The exhibit runs August 2 - August 24, with an opening reception Friday, Aug. 2 from 5:00 - 8:00 pm.

        From the artist:

        Fear is an emotion that has accompanied me my entire life, but one that I have never fully looked in the eyes. I was afraid to look it in the eyes. My fears ranged from the bullies in school to the thought of never being able to find a place I belonged to not knowing how to swim to the general unknown. Lots of things.
        But all emotions, whether negative or positive, are just emotions. If fear is going to be by my side for the rest of my life, maybe I can try to become friends with it.
        In this exhibition, with beetle as my main character, I try to portray my own relationship with fear throughout my life and envision an ideal state where fear is a guide, a best friend, an older sister.
        Fear is a shapeshifter and it manifests in my eye what my mind sees. Throughout the series, fear goes on a journey of transformation as beetle comes to accept and befriend it. First showing up as the monster in the corner of her eyes to the safety blanket and eventually turning into the fluffy bear that we see.
        It is not an easy journey to accept negative emotions, but it seems that we will never be able to get rid of them so I guess I have to find a way to befriend it.

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        beetlebob "my friend" Sold Out
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