Adam Augustyn
Adam Augustyn's work is inspired by animation, mythology, music, cults, horror films, his hometown of Chicago, and the latest obsessions of his three daughters. His paintings play with scale, color, and theme to produce the unexpected (oversized humans, vibrant playful demons) and to emphasize the impact of our choices, actions and moods on the environment around us.
Augustyn has previously exhibited in group shows in Chicago, Los Angeles and Seattle. He is currently the Art Director at Chewy Software where he has shipped over 60 projects for a variety of well known properties.
Vertical Gallery is proud to present ‘The Sky Is Falling,’ the debut solo exhibition from Chicago-based painter and animator Adam Augustyn Jan. 29 to Feb. 27 at Vertical Project Space’s West Town location (2006 W. Chicago Ave. #1R). The exhibit assembles paintings created in response to the proliferation and normalization of fringe conspiracy theories and the difficulty in parsing real from fantastical threats in today's world. Click here to view the full exhibition.